“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” -Confuscius

The crappy thing with always trying to teach your kid neat stuff is that day when they turn it around on you. That day happened this week.

Motherhood Without Warning

We recently replaced our bathroom door and the new knob includes a groove on the outside of the door that allows you to simply use a coin or similar to unlock the door in case of emergency.  What this also allows is the lacking-in-precision fingers of a toddler to lock the door with many household items. Which makes me proud of her thought process and care for the function of things. There so far isn't much harm in the door being locked from the outside.  Except when my 6 months-pregnant-with-twins bladder starts screaming and I can't get in the bathroom.  I look for coins, I look for a paperclip, but all I seem to find lately is the same piece of plastic swiss cheese. Works like a charm and shows my willingness to adapt, right?


Want more Motherhood Without Warning? Click Here.



My name is Kama and I'm a Mom...and that just freaks me out sometimes. I'm a bunch of other things that used to seem really important, but somehow being a Mom blurs those other things into mush. I have a 2-1/2 year old daughter and twin boys on the way. Everyday I have a "holy s**t, I can't believe I'm a Mom moment" and those get shared here.

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