The first time I ever saw the infomercial for the Shake Weight it was on a muted TV at a sports bar. I thought it was a joke or an ad for a phone-sex line or something. I couldn't believe something so phallic and ridiculous was being sold as an actual workout device.  (Even South Park took aim at the Shake Weight!)

But just when we thought we'd run out of Shake Weight innuendos, along comes the Free Flexor.

Check out the video below.

I just love the faces and camera angles they use for some of the shots. I wonder if the actors knew exactly what they were even doing.

Regardless if whether or not it works, I don't think I could use one of these with a straight face. And would be very concerned if someone whipped one of these out for a quick workout in the same room as me.

Hey, at the very least it could make a nice gag-gift for those lonely single guys in your life.


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