With the news of the Foothills Mall impending makeover(bulldoze), I felt sad for the old mall. I grew up in a very small town. My girlfriends and I used to pile in my blue VW Beetle and head to the Durango Mall, a little smaller than the Foothills Mall, but similar. The Mall was something to do, no shopping even necessary. We hung out there. I worked at the pretzel stand.


You could count on certain things. The stores that seemed outdated yet survived forever. New styles we had no idea how to wear. The arcade where all teenage boys hung out. The Foothills Mall carries that same nostalgia for me. The fountain full of pennies, the standard food court options, gumball dispensers with hard-as-a-rock options. I realize none of these things make money and attract new customers anymore. But somehow they are of comfort to me. I decided I needed to pack up all my kids and take them to the Foothills Mall for one last glimpse. Plus a roll of pennies and a fountain is a great source of entertainment for my toddler daughter.

"Empty Arcade" Kama/TSM
"Empty Arcade" Kama/TSM

The Foothills Mall was empty. A whole wing of the mall is closed off due to lack of tenants. Several stores were having closing sales. We got an ice cream cone and threw some pennies.

The visit left me feeling sad for the way things used to be. The empty arcade, the "mall directory", the pizza by the slice, the 4 teenage girls just hanging out singing Katy Perry for everyone to hear all of these things made me realize it's the end of an era, the end of the mall I once knew and loved.

"The Foothills Mall" Kama/TSM
"The Foothills Mall" Kama/TSM

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My name is Kama and I'm a Mom...and that just freaks me out sometimes. I'm a bunch of other things that used to seem really important, but somehow being a Mom blurs those other things into mush. I have a 3-1/2 year old daughter and infant twin boys. Everyday I have a "holy s**t, I can't believe I'm a Mom" moment and those get shared here.

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