Geek Pride Day is coming to an end but, before it does I figured I would share the geeky part of me.Now, earlier today you were blessed with Beano's geekiness and now it is my turn. I've talked about how I am a huge geek in some posts, now it is time to let my geek flag fly.

Video Game Swag-


I am not sure why, but if a video game is coming out with cool stuff, I am all over it. So far in my collection I have an rc car from Black ops, night vision goggles from Modern Warfare 2, A jack in the box from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, an Ezio statue from Assassin's Creed 2, plasma cutter from Dead Space 2, Dante figure from Dante's Inferno and a Master Chief helmet from Halo 3. There are plenty more games that are coming out this summer that I hope to get and I probably will be getting the collectors editions so I can add more swag.


Mr. Potato Head-

Behold my awesome collection of Mr. Potato Heads! I have "Star Wars" Potato Heads, "Transformers" Potato heads, "Indiana Jones", "Spider Man" and of course "Toy Story". If you ask me why I collect them, I wouldn't be able to tell you, it just sort of happened one day. I saw one of the "character" based potato heads and that's where it all started. There are still plenty that I need to get and that's why I am glad there is an Ebay.

My Video Games-


I have a video game addiction. I love them! If you had a rough day, or you just want to "relax", they are a great way to escape. I put relax in quotes because sometimes if you are playing online, you can get angry. Which brings us to our next segment...



I hate them. Campers are players that tend to just sit in one spot and wait for people to run by them. It is so annoying and that is a usual look for me when I encounter them, nOObs.

Choose Wisely-


Between my Xbox 360, my PS3 and my Mac, I have a lot of ways to keep myself entertained. I do enjoy going outside and reading, but at my core I am a geek and always will be.


Here are some great Geeky quotes:

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
- Unknown

My Pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard, and they’re like you wanna trade cards? Darn right, I wanna trade cards, I’ll trade this but not my Charizard.
- Unknown

1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d
- T-shirt

I’m not anti-social; I’m just not user friendly
- T-Shirt

I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code
- Unknown

Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
Are belong to you
- Unknown

People say that if you play Microsoft CD’s backwards, you hear satanic things, but that’s nothing, because if you play them forwards, they install Windows.



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