Halloween, parades, theme-parties, a trip to the grocery store...I'm always looking for an excuse to dress up.  Case in point,  I've had on 3 different costumes in the past 8 days for various Halloween-ish events. A Roman gladiator zombie for Zombie Fest, "Mad-Eye Moody" for a Harry Potter Party, and "Mayhem" for Halloween.

Check the gallery and see some of my favorite costumes that the wife and I have donned over the past 10 years . Which one is your favorite? Any ideas for what we should dress-up as in the future?Have you ever wondered why people dress up on Halloween?

Well, legend has it that prior to midnight on the eve of All Saint's Day, evil spirits would roam around frightening people and wreaking havoc on villages. Then, at midnight, they would be driven back to whatever dark places they had come from because All Saint's Day would begin.

So, people dressed up as scary creatures, ghouls, ghosts and goblins in hopes that the real evil spirits would confuse the costumes people as other evil spirits and leave them alone.

I don't think people gave evil spirits much credit in the intelligence department.

Regardless, it did lead to one of my favorite holiday traditions so hooray for superstitions!

What is the best costume you've seen so far this year?

Flo & Mayhem

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