Punxsutawney Phil, the rodent prognosticator from Pennsylvania, saw his shadow this morning, implying that would should expect six more weeks of winter.

According to CNN, Phil emerged from his ceremonial tree stump at Gobbler's Knob,and saw his shadow. (This is the 99th time that has happened, compared to only 15 times that he has not seen his shadow.)

The 'Groundhog Day' tradition goes back to medieval times, but is not really a good predictor of the upcoming weather.

CNN meteorologist Chad Meyers, citing stormfax.com, said Phil is correct 39 percent of the time. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration goes even further, saying Phil has 'no predictive skill.'

Regardless, its a fun tradition that has put Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on the map. you can read all about the holiday and the traditions at Groundhog.org.

Phil's prediction of more winter comes to us on a day when we have a winter storm watch in effect and expect anywhere from two to sixteen inches of snow across most of Colorado.



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