This time of year we are (sadly) accustomed to seeing parents trampling each other trying to get the hottest toy or the best Black Friday deal around. However, this is the first time I have heard about parent’s getting trampled for school registration!

This is just disgraceful.

WTFF reports that parents in South Caroline had camped out for a few days in hopes of enrolling their kids at A.J. Whittenberg Elementary, a school that actually offers engineering classes to elementary-aged students. Once school officials gave the green-light for sign ups to begin the parent took off like a heard of angry bulls. One of them was pushed to the ground, and had to be taken to the hospital.

I don’t care how great the classes there are. I don’t care how few open spots there were in the school. This is absolutely ridiculous.

You can watch the videos below and see how crazy these parents were acting. I want the best for my little girl too, but I’d rather not put her in a school surrounded by kids with parents like this.



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