What do you do if you are tired of the trash in your neighborhood? Well, if you are Zoltan Kohari you put on your homemade Batman suit and start cleaning it up yourself. On top of cleaning the streets he helps out the elderly and calls the police when he sees something sketchy. He is a little different than the fictional Batman though. He served 8 months in prison and he attempted suicide after he got out but, luckily he noticed he had a higher calling. He didn't have a full time job so he moved into a rundown concrete apartment block where he turned an empty apartment into his very own bat cave.

He doesn't use violence and some of his neighbors had this to say;

He’s had a tough life but he is very dependable and we like him. He helps us out, keeps an eye on public order, and he is a hero for my son and his schoolmates

What do you think of the homemade super hero? Below is footage of him from a news story. It is in another language but you get the idea.

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