Here are the highlights of the local missed connections section on craigslist.

These are taken just as they are written. Who knows, one of them may be about you.

Need a medic!!! - m4w - 43 (Loveland)

You were driving a rig for TVEMS and going into the Safeway at Wilson and 34 on Sunday about Noon. I walked into Safeway with you. You are VERY attractive! I didn't notice a ring. I would SOOO like to meet you and talk to you over coffee!

Tell me if you were solo with your rig or if you had a partner.

Windsor mcdonalds cashier - m4w - 30 (windsor)

You have such a beautiful smile! Even if i only got to watch you do your thing for 5 minutes, it was enough for me to know i would love to see you again. Don't know if you will remember me, even if you see this, but i ordered the number 8....(breakfast burritos) with coffee, about 10. I didn't catch your name (how sad of me) but you were ks#2. I'll be back in for sure, but would love to get a reply from you. Maybe I'll get the courage up enough to say something next time.

Dreaded grocery shopping - m4w (Safeway-Windsor )

We were both grocery shopping Sunday night and chatted about how much fun grocery shopping is! When we passed each other the last time you told me to have a great rest of my weekend. You were absolutely gorgeous and seemed very nice, I hope I run into you again sometime! Email if you think this is you with what you or I were wearing.

Clothes Pony-Sunday - m4w - 40 (Fort Collins, CO)

This is probably a long shot and I can't believe I am posting this. I saw you at the Clothes Pony around 11:30am or so on Sunday (with your daughter, I assume) and you were wearing a hat. I really wanted to talk with you but I was with my kids too. Then, I saw you again as you got into your car and I was going to mine. There was something quite intriguing about you. If you are available, interested, and want to get a coffee or a drink, I'd like to chat and get to know you. If you are married or attached, I wish you well and apologize if this offended. Thanks!

A Ride Home - m4w (Fort Collins)

We met last night after the place was realized that your friends had left you there. I gladly offered a ride which you accepted, and I drove you home and met your cat. I greatly regret not getting your number, when you mentioned it, I thought that was your way of letting me go. I would really enjoy seeing you again, I thought that our time together was awesome! Respond with where we met, or the general area, so that I know its you.

Geeks Who Drink - m4w - 27 (Pateros Creek)

This one goes out to the blonde girl in the corner who spent most of the evening screaming.

Look, we get it. You have lungs. You want everyone around you to know that you have a working set. Way to go! But if I want to hang out with obnoxious, attention-seeking brats who can't hold their drink, there are other bars in the city that'll accommodate that. The illustrious Pateros Creek is not one of them.

Or, if that's too many big words: It hurts when you scream in people's ears. Don't be a jerk. Whoooo!

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