Today’s dumb criminal comes to us from just down the road in Longmont, Coloroado. A man was arrested after he was rejected by a woman at a bar and then urinated on her.

Hey Romeo, “no” means no. It doesn't mean "maybe", and it certainly doesn't mean "please pee on my leg!"

According to the Colorado Daily, This 22-year-old guy allegedly approached a woman at Shooter’s Bar and Grill Saturday night and put his arm around her. (You know, puttin’ his “moves” on.) The woman blew the guy off and that’s when things got ugly.

According to police, a few seconds later, the woman said she felt some sort of liquid hitting her leg. She initially thought Paez was spilling his beer on her, but when she turned around she told police she saw Paez with his [man parts] exposed urinating on her leg and the front of the bar.

The woman had a well-deserved freak-out and bar staff escorted the guy outside and called police. They showed up to arrest the guy who was so intoxicated, he couldn't even answer their questions.

Suspicion of harassment and public indecency are the charges this guy is facing. And with pick-up moves like that, I’ll bet he’s also facing a long lonely life.

Picture by loop_oh, Flickr.

Dumb Criminals

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