Here are some highlights from last week in the local Missed Connection section of Criagslist. One of them could be about you.

These are copied just as they are written and links are included.

Sexy Blonde - Weld County Paving - m4w - 39 (Greeley)

We exchanged smiles this morning at the gas station east of Greeley. You're hot! I was driving a dark gray sportscar parked at a gas pump, you were driving a county paving truck with trailer on the back..

Laundry Thief!! (Greeley)

Last night mine and my 5 daughters' clothes were stolen from a laundry mat. Please help me find this girl. If you have any information about her please contact me, 6 people's clothes are an awful lot to replace all at once... Any help you can provide in contacting her would be greatly appreciated.

Empire palace delivery girl - m4w - 27 (Fort Collins)

So I really doubt these posts get looked at often, but last night you delivered some take out to my apt. I was really surprised when I opened the door. You were gorgeous! I'd love to buy you coffee or dinner or anything really... Can't seem to get your face out of my head. I couldn't even think straight about how much money to give you! If you're out there maybe email me back?

Redhead buying donuts at Safeway on 10th St - m4w (Greeley)

OK, this is a long-shot, but what the heck. You were buying donuts (one glazed, one chocolate) in a very long line in front of me. We talked briefly and I swear I felt some chemistry between us. You have beautiful red hair, and the way you looked in those turquoise sweat pants was driving me crazy! I wanted to ask you out, but I didn't want to put you on the spot and embarrass you in front of everyone. If you happen to read this I would love to talk to you again. You told me your weakness was donuts. Tell me what I said my weakness was so I know it's you...

Handsome man in Blue - w4m (Taste of Fort Collins)

I was working at the Taste of Fort Collins, you are a tall handsome man and you caught me staring at you. We made eye contact a few times. You are the downright hottest thing I have ever seen. about 6ft 3, blue eyes, dark blue shirt and shorts. Never thought I'd do this but seeing you again would be lovely.

You touched my face... - m4w - 49 (Taste of FortCollins)

I am searching for the woman who put her fingers on my lips while I was in the crowd watching the band. Who are you?

Red Cowboy Boots Biking Home Sat Morning Campus West - m4w - 28 (Taft & Elizabeth area)

Hey I saw you riding your bike home Sat morning in your red cowboy boots and short white shorts! Dang girl nice work!! I am passing no judgement that you were coming home that late... or early.... depends how you look at it, but either way I am guessing you had a fun night and were still looking like a 10 at 8 am!! Bravo!! I doubt you ever check these but if you do I hope this makes you smile!

You would take me back if I looked like the guys off the movie 300 - m4w - 27 (Fort Collins)

This is a very very long shot because I know your happy with him but we were together in 05-06 when I messed up are relationship. After we broke up we fooled around a few times. Then one night when I came over to hang out and spend some time. You told me the only way you would ever take me back was if I came back to u looking like one of the guys off the movie 300
Do u remember this? Hint u worked for mister money. I still miss u and think about u every day I wish I wouldn't have messed up and wish I could have had a second chance. Now I see u with him some times in the stores and it doesn't seem like your happy. It seems like your an empty shell so would love to at lest sit down years latter now and talk about how are lives have been if u email me back tell me were we first made love

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