Every winter I get occasional cracks on my finger tips. These are so painful. It makes it hard to push on things or tie shoes, etc. Tiny little crack, big huge bummer. Ointment, superglue, band-aids. Well, these things can help. Some people use banana or oil treatments. Apparently if I catch the crack early I can just superglue it shut. But if the crack gets deep, to the point of redness or blood, it's too late and ointment and bandaids must be used. Okay, I'll try this, but I must confess. I change poopy diapers everyday and having a bandaid on during that process, seems gross and wrong. Like the bandaid will just attract all the poop particles to jump on in to my cracked skin. Hmmm.... That's my own issue I guess. Here's the video instruction of caring for you cracked finger tips.

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