When I was younger I always hated putting on sunscreen. I wouldn't use as much of it as I should have and I wouldn't reapply as often as I should. But, as an adult who's already beat one kind of cancer, and the father of a 16-month-old, I'm much more inclined to correctly use sunscreen.

Most of us, might slather a little bit when we go outside for a long time, but the average adult should use at least a full ounce of sunscreen to be protected.

That's according to the American Academy of Dermatology. One ounce would be enough to fill the palm of your hand, or to fill a shot glass. (Yes, that means that if you're family shares the same 12-ounce bottle of sunscreen over every outing this summer, you're probably using way too little.)

You'll never hurt yourself by putting on too much sunscreen, but you can sure pay a hefty price for not putting on enough!

Here's a little instructional video on how to properly put the stuff on. It seems a little rudimentary, but if you start looking around when you're at the lake or the pool, you'll probably notice that a lot of people don't seem to actually know how to apply it correctly.


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