Two people were hurt, multiple cars were totaled, and a local business was destroyed by one man in Columbia, Tennessee. H is now facing charges of attempted murder among other things.

This guy drove through the front door of a convenience store, walked outside, stole another car from a gas pump, pulled out on to the road to make a getaway and collided head-on with a bread truck. The whole thing was caught on surveillance footage below.

According to News channel 5 the man was actually chasing a woman and trying to run her over.

Police called it a classic case of rolling domestic violence, where a woman in her car was running from a man in his truck.

I'm not sure how someone trying to run down his wife or girlfriend with a truck is a classic case of anything (other than anger and stupidity).

Watch the crash and ensuing escape attempt from multiple angles.

Can you say 'scumbag'?

Thankfully no one was killed, but there were some serious injuries, and the family owned convenience store will probably lose 15-20 days worth of business to try and rebuild the store front.

The man responsible for the carnage was treated for injuries and will face a slew of charges in court.

Dumb Criminals


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