Whether you drink 3 beers or 13 beers, drunk driving is drunk driving. But this may have been a case of reaaaaaally drunk driving. A Florida man was arrested and faces some hefty charges after being pulled over while noticeably inebriated.

What tipped police off to this drunkard?

He was so drunk he didn’t realize one of the wheels was missing from his car!

The arresting officer said he noticed smoke and sparks coming from the wheel-well of a Chevy Blazer so he pulled the driver over. The 24-year old man behind the wheel was so far-gone that had no idea his wheel was missing.

I’m guessing the officer didn’t need any more proof that the guy was impaired. Uttering the slurred phrase, “What do you mean my…hic….wheel is gone?” Is far more telling than walking a straight line and touching your nose.

I can understand not noticing a flat, or not knowing your headlights were out, but not knowing your wheel is GONE?!


Photo by Axel-D, Flickr.

Dumb Criminals


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