
I can easily get into a battle with Ken over who is more inspirational.

At the end of the blog he wrote for Dare to Lose and Miramont Lifestyle Fitness, he calls me an inspiration to him.

I have a new friend in Paul Wozinak at TRI 102, Paul, you’re like the energizer Bunny, and you keep going & going & going… and an inspiration to me.

Actually, I think Ken is the inspirational one. Not only are you fighting to regain some of the vibrancy that has brought you through a great career in law enforcement, you are doing it while dealing with cancer. That is beyond anything I can imagine, and it really helps to keep me going.

Ken lays out how he heard that he had cancer.

I was that healthy guy running at life full speed. I seemed to always be able to maintain my weight, keep myself fit & stay strong. This was so very important, as my life literally depended on it. My chosen profession was Law Enforcement. I loved my career, my life & my family. Then, one June day in 2008, my life changed forever. My cell phone rang, I answered, it was my doctor. He said, “hey Ken, sorry to have to tell you this, but you have cancer.” Instinctively, my manners were in place, I thanked him and ended the call. Then the words he said replayed in my mind.  I stood stunned in a parking lot motionless except for the tears that unconsciously fell from my eyes.

There have been a few amazing moments with Ken since the Dare to Lose contest started. The first time I learned about his cancer, I was in the middle of doing an interview with him, and I didn't even try to keep the tears from my eyes.

Then, he told us about his toe. The toenail is showing the affects of chemotherapy. His nails turned totally black when he was going through that difficult time. Since it is behind him, you can literally watch him get healthier as the blackness moves closer and closer to the end of his toe. Soon, it will be gone.


What I've learned is that when we team up with others to help ourselves, we gain so much power from it. Ken and the other Dare to Lose folks have inspired me more than I thought they could.



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