Cold and Flu season is really bad this year. Wash your hands. The media is stirring up even more panic than usual, but it is true the flu(Influenza) and now the Norovirus(throwing up and diarrhea) are worse than usual and both highly contagious. Wash your hands. My opinion is that the more stressed people are and the dryer the air is, will cause a worse cold season too. I feel like we have had extra stressful events this season. Mass shootings and the election get everyone all worked up. And it is a very dry winter. Wash your hands. Rest and stay home when you are sick, please!


Our house has now succumbed to the head cold. It started with the toddler, then the twins, and now me. Even after my efforts to avoid public places and wash our hands religiously. This is the first time the twins have simultaneously been sick. Two snotty noses, two babies that just want and need to be held. There are moments with having twins that really make me wonder why nature would do this to a Moms guilt load. This is one of them. Survival mode has kicked in.


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My name is Kama and I'm a Mom...and that just freaks me out sometimes. I'm a bunch of other things that used to seem really important, but somehow being a Mom blurs those other things into mush. I have a 3-1/2 year old daughter and infant twin boys. Everyday I have a "holy s**t, I can't believe I'm a Mom" moment and those get shared here.

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