I have been calling them jet streams my whole life, turns out that is a weather pattern, not the long white trails that aircraft leave behind. The white trails are actually called contrails, short for "condensation trail" or even sometimes called vapor trails. In Colorado the sky is often so blue that the streams really stand out. Some studies have actually shown that all the contrails can dramatically change the local climate. There is also some interesting stuff out there if you start reading about "contrail conspiracy". Some believe it's the governments way of spraying chemicals to encourage climate change and control population. Not sure how I feel about that, but I do know I've been seeing a lot of these lately across our beautiful Colorado sky.

A contrail is the condensation trail that is left behind by a passing jet plane. Contrails form when hot humid air from jet exhaust mixes with environmental air of low vapor pressure and low temperature. Vapor pressure is just a fancy term for the amount of pressure that is exerted by water vapor itself (as opposed to atmospheric, or barometric, pressure which is due to the weight of the entire atmosphere above you). The mixing occurs directly behind the plane due to the turbulence generated by the engine. If condensation (conversion from a gas to a liquid) occurs, then a contrail becomes visible. Since air temperatures at these high atmospheric levels are very cold (generally colder than -40 F), only a small amount of liquid is necessary for condensation to occur. Water is a normal byproduct of combustion in engines.

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