This kid might be my new hero. His name is Akshat Singh, he is eight-years-old, and is a contestant on India's Got Talent. (Yes, they have it there too.) I don't know if he'll win the show but he sure gets my vote.

If nothing else, this kid has a future in entertainment somewhere.

He does things I can't (nor could I ever do) like splits, back flips, break-dancing and even mimics some Michael Jackson moves. Plus, he does it all with more confidence than I've ever seen in a person performing. I was a chubby eight-year-old and I was almost too nervous to be seen at a swimming pool, let alone busting out dance moves on a national TV show.

Bavo Akshat, bravo.

Yes, it was over the top, yes he had a few 'risque' moves, but wow, he was entertaining.

He appeared on the second episode of India's Got Talent, which is in its fifth season.

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