You Can Buy a Hughes Stadium Urinal Now, Because Why Not?
Chalk this up to one of the weirdest stories we've heard this week.
Want to own a piece of CSU history? You now can, in a way, by purchasing one of the urinals that used to be installed in the legendary Hughes Stadium. The Coloradoan reported that "Three cast iron porcelain trough urinals that once called Hughes Stadium home are up for sale at Uncle Benny's Building Supplies — a Loveland supply yard that buys, sells and trades new and used building materials" (Source).
For some reason, these urinals were salvaged from Hughes' destruction, an act that many in Northern Colorado spoke out against.
So, hey, if you aren't a fan of the new stadium, grab one of these and you can tell your friends you still pee the same way you did as a Hughes game-goer...and in the same trough.
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