Minecraft Diamond! Wallapaper
I think we have all accidentally swallowed something at some point in our lives. Maybe it was a bug that crawled into your soda. Or maybe it was something else, but I doubt it was as valuable as what this woman swallowed.

A Tampa Woman's Club was holding a charity event where they poured 400 glasses of champagne and inside each glass there was a cubic zirconia in it except for one glass that had a $5,000 diamond in it. When all of the attendees had finished their drinks, people started checking to see if they had won the diamond, except it couldn't be found.

After a little bit, an 80-year-old woman stepped forward and said that she wasn't paying attention and accidentally swallowed the diamond. The went to the hospital and found out that diamonds don't show up on x-ray. The next day she had a routine colonoscopy and told the doctor to be on the lookout for the diamond.

She ended up finding it and taking it to a jeweler, uncleaned and still in the bio-hazard bag, to get it tested. After it was cleaned it turns out it was the real diamond.


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