How stupid some people are still baffle me. 27-year old Meredith Lowell, who is a self-proclaimed animal activist,  had the idea to hire a hitman via Facebook to kill somebody, anybody rather, that was wearing fur on the steps of a library. Why a library? So she can be present and hand out animal rights pamphlets after the murder of course.Luckily, a FBI agent posed as a hitman and contacted her asking for details.  She requested that it happen at a library and then she allegedly wrote,

Bring a sharp knife that is at least 4 inches long, it should be sharp enough to stab someone with and/or to slit their throat to kill them.

The individual should be at least 12 years old, but preferably 14 years or older.

I want the person dead in less than 2 minutes (under 2 minutes or 1 minute or less would be better.)

What the hell is wrong with people? It is bad enough that she wanted to kill somebody, but saying that they could be as young as 12-years old? Serious problems this woman has.


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