Be careful with who you hook up with, you could end up getting a life long "friend" and a lawsuit. A 69-year-old man was sued for $9ook because he didn't tell the 49-year-old woman that he was hooking up with that he had herpes. On their fourth date, they "hooked-up" and the man decided he wasn't going to wear a condom and after the deed was done he shared the information that he had herpes with his lover. The jury awarded her the settlement because they believed that it had been 75% of the mans fault and that he should have told her. Normally STD cases are rare because its hard to prove whether that person was healthy or not but she had medicals records from two months before saying she was clean. She pursued the lawsuit because she said that the medications for the affliction caused hair loss and weight gain, and depression. Her attorney called her "heroic" for following through and  the defense attorney called her childish.

Do you agree with this settlement or did the woman go too far?

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