We have all talked to that boisterous fisherman that talks about how he or she had the biggest fish but it got away, right? Well, this guy went above and beyond the white lie and stole a fish to help him win a fishing contest.  Over in England, they were having a fishing contest last year, when Matthew Clark took home the prize for the biggest fish. The main problem was that he didn't actually catch it from the English Channel. He apparently swiped the 13lb 13oz fish from an aquarium.

A fellow participant noticed something familiar about the fish and started doing some investigating. The man noticed that the fish had similar markings to a fish he saw at the aquarium when he took his wife and kids, so he went back to see if it was still there and no surprise, it was missing!

After some investigating by officials it was determined that the fish was indeed stolen. Apparently Matthew had scaled a cliff and climbed a rope ladder and entered into the aquarium to snag the fish the night before the competition.

A judge ruled a few days ago that he has to complete 100 hours of community service after he admitted to burglary and fraud.

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