If you asked me how I like the skate park in Windsor, CO, I’d have to ask back “Compared to what?” Compared to Edora in Fort Collins? Not so much. Compared to what I grew up skating on in the original Powell Perralta days, it’s heaven. Here is the lowdown.

The Good

The upper section is all pretty incredible. Nice kidney on top surrounded by some higher walls (6 or 7 footers, I think), handrails, steps, nice roll ins, and some DIY stuff that is really fun to skate.

The ‘not so’ Good

Wooden ramps. Ugh, am I getting spoiled. Apologies for that, but with the luxury Windsor is known for, it’s time to bring in a skate park building crew, sculpt a couple dozen tons of cement,  and repurpose those ramps for something else. They are all different and have some fun aspects to them, but that space is pining for some real creativity and variation, rather than walls of wood with a little platform on top of them.


Hey, I can have fun in just about any skate park, and I have a blast at Windsor. Gravity does tend to combat the flow, especially on the lower end on the wooden ramps. But there is plenty of space, it’s a beautiful park, and until they dump the wood and pour the concrete, it will do.

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