They don’t call it ‘Whole Paycheck’ for nothing.  Whole Foods has come under fire once again for jacking up their prices.  Do you shop there?  Do they just suppose people are rich and don’t care?

Whole Foods
Spencer Platt, Getty Images

Whole Foods Markets has been busted again for charging customers too much (sometimes WAY too much) when it comes to their prepackaged items.  New York City just got done with an investigation, sampling of 120 markets within the city, and found Whole Foods Markets were the worst at overcharging.

Eighty extra cents for some panko is one thing, but the city caught Whole Foods charging $14.84 more than other stores for shrimp.  $15 more? Who has that kind of money?  It’s crazy.  Whole Foods says the study is ‘overreaching’. Overreaching? What does that even mean?

This may not involve Colorado right now, but just a few years ago in California, Whole Foods had to settle for overcharging there. The settlement was for $800,000.  The SETTLEMENT was $800,000! They must have been looking at a huge fine! So, the fact that they would try it again in New York State, which is full of lawyers, makes it seem likely (to me) that at least a few of Colorado’s dozen or so markets are doing the same to us.

Well, not me. I can’t afford to shop there…

Here’s some food for thought: With the California settlement, Whole Foods now has a person on the payroll at each of their stores in that state, whose sole job is to make sure that they aren’t overcharging.  So, ‘Whole Paycheck’ is giving a person a whole paycheck to make sure it doesn’t cost everyone a whole paycheck to shop there!

[Source: USA Today]

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