If you’ve ever been down Remmington Street near the Colorado State University Center for the Arts and the Annual Flower Trail Garden, you’ve seen the big, Andy Warhol-inspired, Campbell's Tomato Soup Can statue.

Well, it’s gone. But don’t worry it’s coming back. It’s just out getting a little work done in the sunshine state.

According to Colorado State University the statue has been moved to a studio in California for restoration. It was taken away around 11am this morning (Feb. 5th, 2013).

The iconic soup can was created in collaboration with Andy Warhol for the opening of the Warhol at Colorado State University Exhibit in 1981. The large scale can is expected to return to CSU in spring/summer 2013.

As you can imagine, moving a 5,800-pound statue is no easy task. But you can learn more than you ever wanted to know about that statue in the little video CSU put together below.

And knowing is half the battle.

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