Last week we told you about Abercromibe & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries' inflammatory comments about only wanting "cool" people to wear his clothing brand. Well, one man has made it his mission to "re-brand" the company by distributing as many A&F clothing items as he can to the homeless people of the world.

Deliberately derailing a company's crooked practices via an act of compassion, brilliant!

In the video this guy scours his local thrift shops to grab every piece of A&F clothing he can find and then goes to "Skid Row" and distributes the clothes to the homeless.

One of the points he makes in the video is that Abercrombie & Fitch actually burns their unsold and damaged clothes instead of giving them to the needy. I looked into it, and sure enough, this was a quote from 2010,

Abercrombie and Fitch doesn't want to create the image that just anybody,  poor people, can wear their clothing. Only people of a certain stature are able to purchase and wear the company name.

So, this guy's mission is now to get as many homeless people as he can in A&F clothing, thus shattering the reputation that only the thin and rich will be seen in their clothes. (And at the same time, providing clothing for those in need.)

The guy behind the video is named Greg Karber, and he shared his vision through the YouTube video above and is using the #FitchTheHomeless hashtag on Twitter to further his cause.

More power to him.

I think A&F had better be careful, the comments of their head honcho have brought the full-wrath of the Internet against them.

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