Vaccine From The 1700s Could Offer COVID-19 Relief For Colorado
Colorado State University's research team is looking back to a vaccine first introduced in the late 1700s for a possible COVID-19 solution.
According to a press release, researchers are currently pursuing four vaccine development projects in relation to the coronavirus, including "using an engineered bacterium, a combination of light and vitamin B2, a modified poxvirus used against smallpox, and a tuberculosis vaccine platform."
A poxvirus is a genetically modified DNA virus, one often used for cancer treatments.
Specifically, CSU is looking into vaccinia, which was used as the very first vaccine to treat smallpox. Why, exactly, does this specific poxvirus work for COVID-19?
The vaccinia virus is ideal for fighting the coronavirus since it's safe for humans, allows the body to create antibodies to fight off COVID-19, and can prime the body for future encounters with it.
The pioneer of this vaccine? Dr. Amy MacNeill, a veterinary pathologist at Colorado State University. She says that she encourages collaboration with other departments at CSU for the future vaccine, and says "if there’s any way I can help, I will."
Learn more on Source.Colostate.Edu.

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