After the addition of the immersive art exhibit, Meow Wolf in Denver, the conversation around art in Colorado has been weaving through airwaves.

While Colorado isn't necessarily known for art as much as hiking and outdoors, the art community is something that is incredibly inclusive and respected within itself wherever it is. It's nice to see that respect is given back through an exhibit at the Museum of Art in Fort Collins.

Lorri Acott and Adam Schultz have worked together to create the Beauty and the Beast: An Unexpected Journey art exhibit. And the cool thing? 30 percent of all sculpture or painting sales will be donated back to the museum.

Acott and Schultz are both from Red Feather, Colo., and created the new exhibition specifically for the Fort Collins MoA.

The Museum of Art's values stimulate that art is for everyone, it inspires, and it innovates. The Fort Collins MoA places importance on diverse exhibitions and educational programs to advance community art culture and understanding.

This is why it's so important that the Beauty and the Beast exhibit is placing proceeds right back into the museum: they understand the mission behind the Fort Collins Museum of Art.

The museum is classified as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and survives solely off member and donor contributions. In 2018 alone, the Museum saw a total income of $440,596.39 with a net income of $32,496.74.

For anyone interested in donating or volunteering, visit the Museum of Art Fort Collins website.


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