Over the past few days almost everyone at work has been hit with this random bug. It moves fast and it hits you hard. I was one of the casualties of said bug and these are my 6 things that I need in my life to make me feel better when I am feeling under the weather.

1- Medicine

Obviously. I'm cheap, so I opted for the store brand day and night time medicine. It's the middle of the afternoon, so it's time to move on to the night time syrup.

Matt Sparx/TSM
Matt Sparx/TSM

2 - Cookie Monster Pajama Pants

Nothing says comfort like pajama pants, because I don't wear yoga pants. They're warm, fuzzy and have cookie monster printed all over them. 'nuff said!

Matt Sparx/TSM
Matt Sparx/TSM

3 - Redbox Movies

Now, before you jump all over me with the word Netflix, let me say that when it comes to me and that app, I have to admit I have a problem. When it comes to Netflix, I spend more time looking for something to watch than I do actually watching something on Netflix. I turn to Redbox for a few movies and just like that I am committed to those movies.

Matt Sparx/TSM
Matt Sparx/TSM

4- Soup

Chicken noodle soup is for the birds. Actually, the main ingredient is a bird. So there's that. When I am sick, I rely on my local Chinese take out to keep me nourished with the hot stuff. This soup, also the main ingredient is bird, well... kind of... Egg drop soup.

Matt Sparx/TSM
Matt Sparx/TSM

5 - Toast

When I do eventually get the energy to chew again, I head for toast. Enter grape jelly to top it off, no substitutions will do. Go all in with grape or nothing at all.

Matt Sparx/TSM
Matt Sparx/TSM

6 - Cuddle Buddy

Having one of these is good! They don't talk you ear off or want to have a conversation with you when your throat hurts. They're just happy to be next to you! Oh, I'm no vet, but I've never had one of these furballs catch one of my colds like a human does.

Matt Sparx/TSM
Matt Sparx/TSM

Time for me to take some more medicine. If you are sitting at home sick also, I cheers you with some night time cold medicine and a froggy voiced get well soon wish!

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