Taylor Swift Wants Harry Styles Back
Not so fast, Harry Styles fans hoping to get a crack at the One Direction singer following his hyped-up split with Taylor Swift! According to the latest rumors, Swift is angling for a Haylor reunion.
Hollywood Life (via Wetpaint) reports that the pair's infamous Virgin Islands dustup over the holidays occurred because Styles took a few hours during their vacation to spend some time alone -- and when he came back soused a few hours later, he found an enraged Swift, who accused him of cheating. A source claims Swift “called him a d--- and accused him of running around with girls," and added: "He didn’t do anything wrong!”
According to the Byzantine web of anonymous sources responsible for these rumors, Swift fled the islands in order to teach Styles a lesson, thinking he'd follow her. When he didn't (he was too busy cozying up with Hermione Way), she supposedly backpedaled -- sending him a slew of texts that, in a perfect world, will eventually combine to create the lyrics for a hidden bonus track (and eventual No. 1 single, natch) on her next multiplatinum album.
Alas, Styles was reportedly unmoved, refusing to respond because -- according to an "insider" -- "He thinks she's too emotional."
So there you have it, fans -- all the latest in Haylor gossip. We'd take it all with a giant grain of salt if we were you, but hey, at least reading it is easier than writing your own fanfic, right?
Watch the Taylor Swift 'I Knew You Were Trouble' Video