Colorado teens passionate about animals and curious about what it's like to be a zookeeper are invited to apply for the Denver Zoo's "Zoo Crew."
You may want to start to winding down the holiday season as soon as Christmas is done. But you shouldn't be sitting in your house while the New Years celebrations occur! These are five Colorado events that are a must see!
Alana and I have always been known for being animal lovers around the office-- I've got two dogs, she's got two dogs and one cat. That being said, with the difficult situation this weekend-- the killing of an endangered silverback gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo to save a 3-year-old boy's life-- we were forced to look at both sides of the argument.
Yesterday, Bandhu the Rhino got loose in the Denver Zoo and wandered into a staff area. No one was injured, so we're allowed to make jokes about it. Ready? Go.
The endangered New Zealand tiger who fatally attacked an employee at the Hamilton Zoo will not be euthanized, officials announced Monday.
Oz, one of only about 400 Sumatran tigers left on earth, is "too rare to die," according to the zoo...
Warning: This video uses an excessive amount of cuteness. Some have found the cuteness to be too extreme and passed out from the fluffiness. You have been warned.