Ever notice the lack of dispensaries in Loveland? Now that I think about it, yes... That could change if a ban on retail marijuana is lifted by the City of Loveland.
Last November, the Denver Post reported that police seized 1,250 pounds of marijuana from three warehouses in Loveland. After a month long investigation Matthew Herrmann, Kevin Rowley and Soraya Mackvandian were arrested.
Even if they left the ceremony sans Academy Award, every nominee got to take home a little something from a Colorado cannabis company (and you can, too).
Things just got a little higher in the Mile High; the strength of beer and minimum wage are just a couple of them. These new laws just went into effect in Colorado.
Gone are the days of 'Fido,' 'Spot,' and 'Rover.' According to a recent study, Coloradans are finding name inspiration — uh, well, exactly where you'd think.