Like almost everyone else who's ever heard 'Ice Ice Baby,' we sorta assumed Vanilla Ice would have just gone away after his one big hit way back in 1990. You know the song -- the one that angered classic-rock fans, hip-hop heads and anyone else with taste with its unparalleled offensiveness.
Former rap superstar Vanilla Ice, who was on top of the pop world in the '90s, has been vocal about the current crop of pop tarts, like Justin Bieber and One Direction.
For a guy who has often been mocked in the 20-plus years since ‘Ice Ice Baby,’ Vanilla Ice has a good sense of humor. Ice stars in a new comedic video in which he pretends to move to the L.A. neighborhood of Echo Park to try to win over hipsters with his reinvented indie rock sound.
Vanilla Ice wants to come to do some repairs on your house. Seriously, Ice’s new passion is for home renovation. He even has his own show on the DIY Network. And now he’s giving away a $30,000 room makeover as part of that show.
In his words, “If there is a problem, yo, I’ll solve it.”
No, it's not really ironic, more of a coincidence. I guess he has a new reality show that he was working on, Dancing on Ice.
The hit-maker's - real name Robert Van Winkle - is rehearsing for reality TV show Dancing on Ice, but suffered a horrific fall on Tuesday.