
‘Twilight’ Comes Back From the Dead With a Series of Short Films
‘Twilight’ Comes Back From the Dead With a Series of Short Films
‘Twilight’ Comes Back From the Dead With a Series of Short Films
After four books, a slew of online fan fiction, merchandise, and five feature films, we all thought 'The Twilight Saga' had officially been laid to rest. But, as we learned from 'Game of Thrones,' "what is dead may never die." Lionsgate announced that a series of short films taking place in Stephanie Meyer's popular world of vampires and shapeshifters will be created by aspiring female filmmakers.
Every Stare in the ‘Twilight’ Saga [VIDEO]
Every Stare in the ‘Twilight’ Saga [VIDEO]
Every Stare in the ‘Twilight’ Saga [VIDEO]
I can proudly say that I haven't seen a single 'Twilight' movie, but I can say that I have seen enough parodies and clips to know how bad the franchise is. I know that comment right there is going to rub some people the wrong way, but I have talked to people who love the books but thinks the films are garbage. Granted they did say they were enjoyable garbage, but garbage none the less.
The Weirdest ‘Twilight’ Merchandise
The Weirdest ‘Twilight’ Merchandise
The Weirdest ‘Twilight’ Merchandise
Sure, there's tons of weird merchandise out there for fans of various geek franchises to buy. However, 'Twilight' fans take the cake with the following items that beg the question: why were these things even created in the first place?
‘Twilight’ Honest Trailers [VIDEOS]
‘Twilight’ Honest Trailers [VIDEOS]
‘Twilight’ Honest Trailers [VIDEOS]
I figured in "honor" of the last 'Twilight' being released this weekend I would share some laughs over the franchise. Now, I can happily say that I have never seen any of the movies, but I do know what they are about. Plus I have heard enough people talk about them to also get the gist that I know I would not enjoy them.

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