Many states have specific rules on what roadkill you can claim. One of those states has made it completely illegal to take home animals you find along the road.
Buc-ee's is known for their clean bathrooms but the son of the co-founder of the popular pit stop is facing felony charges for using bathrooms to illegally record his friends.
I think it's safe to say that most of us would do the right thing and make sure that any American flag that had fallen to the ground would be picked up ASAP. But, would you be as dedicated as this bus driver who stopped his vehicle to make sure that the flag was not dishonored?
Never underestimate a man's ability to think when he's waiting for a chicken sandwich. A police video shows how one guy stopped a bad guy in his tracks with only his truck door. Bam.
The man who is accused of killing 26 people and injuring 20 people at a church in Texas has a previous past in the state of Colorado.
According to the Denver Channel, Devin Kelley, was a resident of a trailer park in Colorado Springs in 2014...
If you sometimes feel like you want to help the less fortunate but only wish you felt guided to give to a definitive cause by way of a specific organization, here's one chance.
Knight has been in trouble with the law many times in the past, with close to 20 separate court cases against him since 2006. Many members of his street team have been arrested over the years as well due to their aggressive tactics.