steven colbert

Stephen Colbert Bids a Tearful Farewell to His Late Mother on ‘The Colbert Report’ [VIDEO]
Stephen Colbert Bids a Tearful Farewell to His Late Mother on ‘The Colbert Report’ [VIDEO]
Stephen Colbert Bids a Tearful Farewell to His Late Mother on ‘The Colbert Report’ [VIDEO]
Got some Kleenex? You'll need it for this. Stephen Colbert returned to hosting 'The Colbert Report' last night (June 19) and opened the show with a heartfelt tribute to his late mother, who died last week at the age of 92. In doing so, he slipped out of his right-wing conservative character (something he almost never does) and was just Stephen Colbert, grieving son.
Jon Hamm, Jimmy Fallon Are ‘The Ambiguously Gay Duo’ [VIDEO]
Jon Hamm, Jimmy Fallon Are ‘The Ambiguously Gay Duo’ [VIDEO]
Jon Hamm, Jimmy Fallon Are ‘The Ambiguously Gay Duo’ [VIDEO]
'Saturday Night Live' got a blast from the past over the weekend when it brought back the popular animated sketch 'The Ambiguously Gay Duo' for the first time in years. (One of my favorite SNL skits back in the day.) Only this time, it was a little different. Thanks to a devious 'flesh ray', the ambiguously gay Ace and Gary were transformed into humans, played by Jon Hamm and Jimmy Fallon. Complet