I had my computer in front of me so I started quickly googling. Normally, I would donate (and have) to police charities, but something about this felt off. Turns out, I was right.
Early this past summer, I boycotted Facebook for awhile, because it just wasn't making me happy. I reflected, made some adjustments (to my account, mainly,) and now it's okay again. But what if we just left our phone the heck alone??
If you are new to Fort Collins, trying to navigate through what you need and what you don't need can be daunting. But if you own a smartphone, these ten apps that are useful to Fort Collins residents can come in handy!
This dolphin is giving Siri a run for her money as personal assistant of the year.
Miami Heat chearleader Teressa Cee dropped her iPhone in the Atlantic Ocean while on vacation in the Bahamas. Just when she thought she had lost her phone for good, a dolphin dove to the bottom of the ocean and fetched it back up...
Do you have a smart phone problem? Do people tell you to get off your phone constantly? Well there is an app to the rescue to help you with this problem!
I (Cain) have never owned a cell phone, so I am good! HA!
Before its announcement Tuesday, WHO had assured consumers that no adverse health effects had been established.
A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as &qu
We have heard a lot of stories of dumb criminals being caught because they either left their phone behind or took pictures with it, but this guy decided to take "leave your phone behind" to a new level. The 25 year old man broke into a Maryland home and while he was there he decided to charge his phone...
Technology has given us some great stuff. Super fast computers, giant t.v.s, cell phones and of course the touch screen that can go with all of those. Now most of us have cell phones, and most of the new cell phones can download applications...