Coloradans, beware of the most recent scam. If you receive an email regarding an order, it might be someone trying to steal your credit card info.
There are so many talented people in our community who craft, create and curate. I'm all about shopping locally, so here are local Etsys you should check out.
So right now we have the Northern Colorado Auction going on where you can get some truly amazing deals. So I thought I would check out the internet to see how our deals compare to others on-line.
I have a growing family, not just in how many children my wife and I have, but with anyone who has children you know they grow like weeds. When we found ourselves back in Colorado after a year in Texas, with one daughter entering her teen years and another ready to start pre-school...
The gifts are rolling in. You may have seen stacks of large packages at the entrance to your apartment building, or on the doorsteps of the neighbors on your cul-de-sac throughout Northern Colorado.