After making the shift to remote learning earlier this month, the Greeley-Evans District 6 Board of Education just approved a new mask mandate based on updated COVID-19 positivity rates.
The Thompson School Board of Education has voted to extend its mandatory face mask requirement to all students in grade levels Pre-K through 12, as well as staff and visitors.
The Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education voted unanimously last week to require masks all for Pre-K through 8th grade students, as well as staff in buildings for those students.
The Thompson School District has approved a new mask mandate, requiring pre-K to eighth-grade students, staff and visitors to wear masks at all times while inside school buildings.
Due to the increasing threat of the new COVID-19 delta variant, as well as rising COVID case rates, Larimer County officials are now 'strongly recommending' that all county residents wear masks in public indoor settings - regardless of your vaccination status.