
Where’d You Learn That Song?!
Where’d You Learn That Song?!
Where’d You Learn That Song?!
Sometimes I worry that my foul language, and possibly other bad examples, might bleed over onto my girls.  But it seems they realize I'm not necessarily proud of those "all too human" moments, and they do a pretty good job of recognizing those things that wouldn't be good for them to emulate...
Tickets Still Available For Llama, Llama Fall Farm Event
Tickets Still Available For Llama, Llama Fall Farm Event
Tickets Still Available For Llama, Llama Fall Farm Event
Bring the kids out to meet adorable llamas, horses, goats, potbelly pigs, free range chickens, and alpacas on Saturday, October 17 for Colorado Kids Connection's Llama, Llama Fall Farm Event! Llama, Llama is happening at Zippity Zoo Barnyard at 6921 Ridge Valley Ct, Loveland from 10:30 a...
12-Year-Old Arrested By Mistake- Say “What!?”
12-Year-Old Arrested By Mistake- Say “What!?”
12-Year-Old Arrested By Mistake- Say “What!?”
Man, sometimes it must suck to be a younger brother. Jacob, a 12-year-old boy was sitting alone in the lobby of a police station in Indiana while he was waiting for his family who was upstairs with his brother who had just been arrested when a police officer approached him.
Facebook-Obsessed Couple Names Their Baby ‘Like’
Facebook-Obsessed Couple Names Their Baby ‘Like’
Facebook-Obsessed Couple Names Their Baby ‘Like’
An Israeli couple recently named their newborn daughter "Like." Yes, as in the "like" button you press when you enjoy a post on Facebook. This is how the girl's father, Lior Adler, explained the name to the German press agency dpa: "If once people gave Biblical names and that was the icon, then today is one of the most famous icons in the world."
You Are Never Too Old To Act Young
You Are Never Too Old To Act Young
You Are Never Too Old To Act Young
It is my personal belief that no matter your age, you should always do something a bit childish every once in a while, and if you are like me, then you do something childish everyday.
Dad Uses Reverse Psychology On Son
Dad Uses Reverse Psychology On Son
Dad Uses Reverse Psychology On Son
I have to say that I found this pretty amusing. I also have to admit that I have tried this same routine many, many times after I saw it on "Looney Tunes" way back when.

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