
10 Amazing Practical Jokes- Awesome! [Video]
10 Amazing Practical Jokes- Awesome! [Video]
10 Amazing Practical Jokes- Awesome! [Video]
I get all antsy watching this like I can't wait to get my husband, but then I remember "what goes around comes around" and I'm not sure I should... These are so simple and awesome!!
14 Jokes About Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries Getting Divorced
14 Jokes About Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries Getting Divorced
14 Jokes About Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries Getting Divorced
So, has the shock of Kim Kardashian divorcing Kris Humphries after 72 days of wedded bliss worn off yet? Good thing the news broke on Halloween because we were so depressed, we needed to drown our sorrows in bucketfuls of fun size Milky Ways. Like many a divorcee, though, we will soldier on. Let’s start the healing process with 14 jokes about Kim and Kris’ marriage.