Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson Offers Advice + Perspective on Post-Baby Bodies [VIDEO]
Jessica Simpson Offers Advice + Perspective on Post-Baby Bodies [VIDEO]
Jessica Simpson Offers Advice + Perspective on Post-Baby Bodies [VIDEO]
ABC Entertainment News|ABC Business News Jessica Simpson gave birth to her first two children -- Maxwell, 2, and Ace, 7 months -- with only five months in between pregnancies. The back-to-back gestations wrought havoc on the body of the singer, actress and designer. But the Weight Watchers spokesmodel shared her advice and perspective on the post-baby body on 'Good Morning America' today (Feb. 18)
Jessica Simpson Says She Will Get Married in 2014
Jessica Simpson Says She Will Get Married in 2014
Jessica Simpson Says She Will Get Married in 2014
For traditionalists, Jessica Simpson may have put the cart before the horse -- having two children before marrying fiance and former NFL star Eric Johnson -- but she has an organized plan moving forward. She has confirmed that she willl be marrying Johnson in 2014.
Jessica Simpson Confirms Second Pregnancy With Picture of Maxwell Drew
Jessica Simpson Confirms Second Pregnancy With Picture of Maxwell Drew
Jessica Simpson Confirms Second Pregnancy With Picture of Maxwell Drew
No one can ever accuse Jessica Simpson of not being creative, especially when she confirms her rumored pregnancies. Earlier this month, word broke that the singer/actress/fashion mogul was already expecting her second child, even though she just gave birth to daughter Maxwell Drew, her first offspring, on May 1. Simpson confirmed the news on Christmas Day, with an adorbs photo of Maxwell dressed l

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