Baseball season is in swing and the Colorado Rockies' theme nights are back. Baseball and Game of Thrones fans alike can have the best of both worlds this May.
Any Game of Thrones fan has likely known for some time that Seasons 7 and 8 would mark the last for HBO’s adapted saga, though the network itself has expressed optimism for more. Now, HBO bosses dish on the plan to end with Season 8, as well what they’ve discussed with regard to a spinoff.
‘Game of Thrones’ is a show known for its spectacular visuals, especially when it comes to the eye-catching costumes. There’s stunning, detail-laden armor, there’s wispy, flowing gowns, there’s gorgeous, intricate robes, and a good amount of fur we’d kill for when that infamous winter finally arrives.
You may have heard of a small indie program on one of the smaller networks, HBO’s Game of Thrones. People talk about it. In any case, this program appears to have aired a Season 6 finale recently, for which the ratings apparently reached an all-time high. You may commence removing your jaws from the floor, and/or cease howling in confusion.
Over-analyzing Game of Thrones is essentially an international pastime at this point, and you could bet fans would put aside the many theories circling Season 6 to decode a mysterious letter Sansa wrote in Sunday’s “Broken Man.” Not only do we know where the letter was headed, but exactly what it says.
Even as Game of Thrones gets into the back half of Season 6, we’ve yet to hear much word from HBO after reports suggested that Seasons 7 and 8 might have only thirteen episodes between them. Now, word from “The Door” director Jack Bender seemingly confirms that Season 7 would have only seven episodes, potentially with directors already mapped out.
Game of Thrones is back, and I'm ready for season 6 to start answering some questions. Here is my review and reaction to episode 1, after season 5 left fans with the ultimate cliffhanger.