FBI Investigating Who Took Nude Photos of Scarlett Johansson from Her Phone
FBI Investigating Who Took Nude Photos of Scarlett Johansson from Her Phone
FBI Investigating Who Took Nude Photos of Scarlett Johansson from Her Phone
As you may have heard, naked photos of Scarlett Johansson leaked onto the Internet Wednesday. In apparent nod to the authenticity of the self-shots, sources connected with Scarlett Johansson have told TMZ that they have already contacted the FBI because they believe the photos were removed from Johansson’s phone illegally by a hacker.
Fort Collins Man Part of Anonymous Arrested by FBI
Fort Collins Man Part of Anonymous Arrested by FBI
Fort Collins Man Part of Anonymous Arrested by FBI
A Fort Collins man, twenty-seven-year-old Vincent Charles Kershaw was arrested by the FBI for the cyber attack on Paypal. The movies always make hackers look so cool, but his just doesn't appear to be glamorous at all. In fact, it says that the hackers caused Paypal to lose $5,000. That's it $5,ooo? But it did make the news headlines because of the association to Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Acco