Gender Reveal Gone Wrong: Dad Completely Whiffs [VIDEO]Gender Reveal Gone Wrong: Dad Completely Whiffs [VIDEO]At this point, I think the only good gender reveal is one that fails completely.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Two Dudes Collide While Jumping Over Bonfire [VIDEO]Two Dudes Collide While Jumping Over Bonfire [VIDEO]Was drinking involved? Yes, without question.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
WWE Wrestler Hilariously Falls Under the Ring While Entering the “Greatest Royal Rumble” [VIDEO]WWE Wrestler Hilariously Falls Under the Ring While Entering the “Greatest Royal Rumble” [VIDEO]If this isn't the greatest thing you'll see all day, I'll give you your money back.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Guy Tries to Record Proposal with Drone, but it Crashed [VIDEO]Guy Tries to Record Proposal with Drone, but it Crashed [VIDEO]This might not be a good sign ahead of a marriage...Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Is This the Worst Bowling Attempt Ever? [VIDEO]Is This the Worst Bowling Attempt Ever? [VIDEO]WARNING: This will hurt your eyes.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Collection of Diving Board Fails to Help Get You Through Winter [VIDEO]Collection of Diving Board Fails to Help Get You Through Winter [VIDEO]For those who are unaware, it's freaking cold outside. Watch this video and feel a little warmer.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Man vs. Cherry Picker – FAIL! FridayMan vs. Cherry Picker – FAIL! FridayThe description of the video says that it is his first day on the job. I am assuming it is also his last.DerekDerek
Girl Falls Off of High Dive – FAIL! FridayGirl Falls Off of High Dive – FAIL! FridayThere is still plenty of time left in the summer, so if you find yourself at the pool, don't do this.DerekDerek
Little Girl VS. Carnival Ride – FAIL! FridayLittle Girl VS. Carnival Ride – FAIL! FridayThis is almost a win...almost.DerekDerek
News Anchor Eats Cat Vomit – FAIL! FridayNews Anchor Eats Cat Vomit – FAIL! FridayTake this as a things not to do on live T.V. Actually, take this as a things not to do ever.DerekDerek
This Guy Uses the Urinal the Wrong Way – FAIL! FridayThis Guy Uses the Urinal the Wrong Way – FAIL! FridayDon't you hate it when you use the bathroom wrong and someone records it?DerekDerek
Ghana Player Scores Goal on Own Team During World Cup – FAIL! FridayGhana Player Scores Goal on Own Team During World Cup – FAIL! FridayWith all the World Cup hype going on, I decided to jump on board with this weeks fail.DerekDerek