Coordinated enforcement efforts will take place in Albany, Laramie, Larimer, and Weld counties before, during, and after the game, which kicks off at 5 p.m. at Canvas Stadium.
What are the odds that one day you're just driving and suddenly, a fire hydrant - that has seemingly been soaring across the sky - crashes down onto your car?
Colorado rock en tu idioma band, iZCALLi, is joining forces with CDOT and the Colorado State Patrol to raise awareness among the state's younger Hispanic drivers in a new bilingual PSA video.
Have FUN! Get out, see friends, play games, eat corn on the cob, watch fireworks. And go ahead and have a beer: a glass of wine: a cocktail. Just do NOT get behind the wheel if you have had too much.
45-year old John Hite appeared in court this morning and plead guilty to felony vehicular manslaughter. Hite had been jailed for drunken driving and only released 5 hours prior to the accident the killed his son.
In a move that not only promotes the upcoming 'RoboCop' remake but also attempts to strike fear in the hearts of potential drunk drivers, Sony Pictures has partnered with the National Highway Safety Administration for a new PSA: "Drive sober or get pulled over" ... by RoboCop!
Drunk driving laws in Colorado will be getting tougher in 2014. One of the biggest changes is that anyone who refused a field sobriety test will be branded a "persistent drunk driver" and have to install an interlock device on their vehicle.