Stir Crazy? Foster a Pet During the Coronavirus Crisis
Many Northern Coloradans are stuck in their houses, bored out of their minds as the COVID-19 crisis demands self-quarantining. Why not help out your local shelter while you work from home?
People Magazine interviewed the CEO of the Best Friends Animal Society, who urges readers to think of homeless pets during this crisis. In the article, they reiterate an important point:
The Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and the American Veterinary Medical Association have all stated that pets are not at risk of spreading COVID-19, and science has shown time and time again that adding an animal to your life makes your happier and healthier.
With many NoCo residents feeling stir crazy already, helping a homeless animal might be just what you need, even if it's only on a temporary basis. Reach out to your local shelter to ask about fostering an animal: here's the link for Larimer Humane Society's fostering portal.

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