Next month, singer Adam Lambert is set to receive an award from GLAAD for promoting equality. However, not everyone in the gay community is all that excited about it -- particularly the South Florida Gay News, which published a scathing editorial today about how an award is the last thing Lambert deserves.

Adam spent last weekend in Miami, getting a key to the city and serving as the headline act at the Miami Gay Pride festival. But SFGN publisher Norm Kent doesn't think Lambert deserves any sort of recognition, so he wrote a pretty nasty piece that's already ignited the ire of not just Glamberts, but parts of the gay community as well.

It refers to LGBT organizations as shallow, asserts Adam's celebrity status is the only reason GLAAD is honoring him, says he's too young (he's 31) to have had any true impact on equality, and points out he remained closeted during his success on 'American Idol.'

The nastiest bit of the editorial reads:

Seeing [Lambert] on the cover of our newspaper a few weeks ago made my partner and me puke ... As I have been on leave, the staff has been running the show. You hire good people and you trust them to do the job. My business partner [Pier] trusts me to make sure we get the job done. Both of us went ballistic that Lambert was on our cover. Other than feature new makeup every day, what has this kid done to warrant a cover story?

While Pier and I were fuming over the cover in the evening, our Associate Publisher, Jason Parsley, was setting up an exclusive follow-up interview with Lambert for the next morning. During the interview, Lambert revealed to Parsley that he had recently broken up with his boyfriend. Parsley is the first to get the story.

Sensing the newsworthiness of this shocking revelation, Parsley goes online with it immediately.

Thanks to Adam Lambert and Jason Parsley, our SFGN website crashed. Why? Because after Parsley’s story on Lambert’s boy breakup went online at, it was picked up first by Lambert’s groupies and within hours a slew of entertainment and gossip sites had picked up the story and linked back to us. Our servers could not handle the traffic.


Four years of publishing the Express Gay News, and four years into South Florida Gay News, and the story that takes down our website is Adam Lambert’s breakup with his boyfriend? This is unreal. How shallow have we become?

The author is referring to the fact that his staff got a scoop about Adam's split from his boyfriend, which gave the SFGN website a whole lotta free press. (The horror. The abject horror!)

Meanwhile, the site is being blown-up all over again with negative commentary about the opinion piece -- some of which has moved over to the Twitterverse, with Glamberts tweeting their vitriol to the publication.

Hard to blame them. The editorial seemed jealous, petty, and mean-spirited. But if the SFGN publishers didn't like the attention their site got before, it's possible they ain't seen nothin' yet.

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